-We currently offer top load, double, triple and quadruple load washers as well as high capacity 60 and 80 lbs washers. Ample high capacity dryers too.  All machines are both coin/ card operated.

--Wash, Dry, Fold service drop off hours are Mon - Fri 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. $1.25/lb. Commercial accounts welcome with BIG discounts based on amount of laundry and frequency. Call for more information today! Same day service if dropped off by 2:00 pm.

---Load/Leave service. Wouldn't you like to come in, begin your laundry and come back a while later and it be done and ready to be put away at home? With our load and leave service you can do just that. Start your laundry the way you would normally. LOAD items, add soap, start machine on desired cycle and LEAVE it with our attendant to dry and fold for ONLY $ .50/lb while you go about your day.